Attorney-General abandons quest to appeal against ruling

The Attorney-General and Minister of Justice, Dominic Ayine, has abandoned a quest by his predecessor, Godfred Yeboah Dame to appeal a court of appeal ruling that acquited and discharged Ato Forson and Richard Jakpa in respect of a charge for causing financial loss to the state.
In a Notice of Abandonment of Appeal sighted by 3news, Mr Ayine said the state has decided not to pursue the matter any further.
“PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Republic having previously served notice of appeal to appeal to the Court against the judgment delivered by the Court of Appeal on the 30th day of July 2024 hereby give(s) you NOTICE that the Republic does not intend further to prosecute the appeal, but that the Republic abandons all further proceedings with respect to this matter as from the date of this notice,” the Attorney-Genral wrote in the document dated January 23.
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