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Celebrating champions of inclusion in Ghana

Around the world, there are individuals and organizations making remarkable contributions to the empowerment of persons living with disabilities. These champions of inclusion bring empathy, advocacy, and action that break down societal barriers, making spaces more inclusive, accessible, and equitable. Through their work, they amplify voices that have historically been marginalized and inspire others to recognize the unique strengths and perspectives of persons with disabilities in every facet of life.

Empathy is often the starting point for impactful change. Individuals who seek to understand the unique experiences and challenges of persons with disabilities set the stage for broader societal acceptance. Through their empathetic engagement, they demonstrate that everyone deserves dignity, respect, and the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to their communities. These leaders encourage others to examine and dismantle personal biases and advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities to participate fully in public life.

Consider teachers who adapt their curriculum to ensure students with disabilities are given equal access to education, or employers who design workplaces to accommodate and celebrate diversity in all its forms. Each of these empathy-driven actions has the power to promote a more inclusive environment that empowers individuals with disabilities to thrive.

Some champions go beyond personal empathy to provide practical support in various forms: educational resources, accessible technologies, financial aid, mentorship, or social services. These forms of support help bridge the gap between potential and opportunity for persons with disabilities, especially in areas where resources may be limited. Many nonprofits and community organizations work tirelessly to ensure that persons with disabilities are given equitable access to quality education, employment, healthcare, and legal protection. For example, specialized training programs help develop job skills that enable persons with disabilities to pursue fulfilling careers. In addition, advocacy groups often lobby governments for legislation that guarantees accessibility in public spaces and enforces non-discriminatory practices in the workplace, leveling the playing field and providing sustainable support for individuals throughout their lives.

Empowering persons with disabilities require more than individual action; it demands systemic change. Community builders and policy advocates work at both grassroots and national levels to create inclusive policies and programs that address the specific needs of persons with disabilities. Through their work, they strive to create a society where disability is not a barrier to civic participation, social inclusion, or professional success. This includes advocating for laws and policies that ensure accessible public infrastructure, such as transportation and buildings, as well as inclusive education systems that cater to diverse learning needs. By focusing on systemic solutions, these advocates work to create a society where persons with disabilities are not just accommodated but embraced as active, valuable members of their communities.

In order for persons with disabilities to be acknowledged in national discourse, representation is essential. The champions of inclusion push for visibility and participation in public life, ensuring that individuals with disabilities are seen, heard, and respected. Whether through political representation, media portrayal, or community leadership, these advocates fight for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in spaces that shape policy, culture, and public opinion.

Recognizing the contributions of persons with disabilities and involving them in decision-making processes not only benefits individuals but also enriches society as a whole. It helps promote diverse perspectives that result in a more comprehensive and innovative solutions for everyone. As these advocates work strenuously to raise awareness and break down stigmas, they encourage society to see beyond disability and value each person for their unique talents, experiences, and perspectives.

Many champions work behind the scenes, often without recognition, yet their contributions are invaluable. Family members, caregivers, friends, and allies who support and encourage persons with disabilities in their daily lives are silent heroes. Their day-to-day dedication helps create an environment of support and understanding, enabling persons with disabilities to pursue their aspirations and achieve self-reliance. Celebrating these unseen champions reminds us that support and empowerment are often collective efforts. Thus, small acts of kindness and consideration that, over time, shape lives and build communities.

Celebrating champions of inclusion as part of this year’s commemoration of the International Day of Persons Living with Disabilities will be incoherent without recognizing the inspiring contributions of Dr. Ben Asante, CEO of Ghana National Gas Company, who stands out as a visionary leader, dedicated to inclusive development in Ghana. Under his leadership, the company has not only contributed significantly to Ghana’s energy sector but also spearheaded numerous initiatives aimed at empowering marginalized communities, particularly persons with disabilities. By actively prioritizing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects focused on education, accessibility, and technological empowerment, Dr. Asante demonstrates his commitment to inclusivity as a central value of the organization. One of his notable efforts is the ongoing initiative to provide desktop computers to the seven inclusive senior high schools and some public institutions across Ghana. This project aims to empower visually impaired students with digital literacy skills, enabling them to participate actively in an increasingly digital world. Such efforts contribute meaningfully to SDG 4 (Quality Education) and underscore Ghana Gas’s support for Ghana’s inclusive education policy, which seeks to provide equitable learning opportunities for all students, regardless of their abilities. Dr. Asante’s approach to inclusion transcends charity; it builds long-term capacity by integrating persons with disabilities into Ghana’s economic and educational framework, giving them the tools to succeed and contribute their quota to national development.

Dr. Asante’s unwavering dedication to inclusion goes beyond typical CSR and demonstrates a genuine commitment to addressing systemic inequalities. By focusing on educational access for persons with disabilities, Dr. Asante recognizes that true inclusion requires investment in skills, empowerment, and opportunity creation. His projects do not merely provide temporary relief but aim for lasting impact, equipping individuals to participate fully in society. Through his leadership, Dr. Asante sets an example for other Ghanaian CEOs, showcasing how business leaders can drive national progress by championing the rights and potential of every citizen. In championing the cause of inclusion, he has paved the way for a more equitable future, where all Ghanaians, in spite of their disabilities, have the chance to contribute to and benefit from the nation’s growth.

Celebrating these champions is a call to action for all of us to become more inclusive, empathetic, and proactive. Their work demonstrates that it takes a community to foster a society where every individual has an equal opportunity to thrive. By recognizing and supporting the empowerment of persons with disabilities, we are investing in a future where diversity is celebrated, and every person’s contribution is valued.

Let us all be inspired by these champions of inclusion and carry forward their mission of empathy, support, and empowerment. By doing so, we can create a world where persons with disabilities are fully included in national discourse and recognized for the indispensable contributions they make to society, irrespective of any physical, mental, or sensory limitations.

Together, we can build a society that champions the rights and dignity of all.

By Isaac Ansah

The writer is the Disability Liaison Officer at Ghana Gas.

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