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12-year-old girl married to Gborbu Wulomo and her mother under police protection – Police

Amidst a troubling incident that has sparked widespread public outcry, the Police have intervened to address the situation involving a 12-year-old girl reportedly married to a 63-year-old Ga priest.

Naa Okromo and her mother are now under Police protection following the traditional marriage ceremony that took place at Nungua in Accra on Saturday, March 30, 2024.

Nuumo Borketey Laweh XXXIII, known as the Gborbu Wulomo was lambasted after a video of the marriage rites went viral online.

Despite attempts to justify the union by stating that the girl wouldn’t be expected to fulfill marital obligations, the police swiftly intervened to ensure the safety and well-being of the girl and her mother.

Collaborating with the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection, as well as the Department of Social Welfare, the Ghana Police Service has initiated measures to offer necessary support and assistance to the young girl during this challenging period.

The Paediatric Society of Ghana (PSG) has strongly denounced the marriage ceremony, joining the chorus of voices advocating for the protection of vulnerable minors from such harmful practices.

The controversy erupted following the marriage ceremony held on March 20, sparking widespread outrage and demands for the traditional priest, Nuumo Borketey Laweh Tsuru XXXIII’s prosecution.

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