
2024 Elections: NDC will capture Ashanti Region – Nigel Gaisie

Prophet Nigel Gaisie has made a very interesting prophecy about the 2024 Ghana election.

A powerful Ghanaian man of God, Prophet Nigel Gaisie, has made an interesting prophecy about the 2024 election.

Aside from prophesying victory for the NDC presidential candidate John Mahama, he says they party will have great strides in the stronghold of the NPP which is the Ashanti Region.

Out of the 47 constituencies in the Ashanti Region,  the NDC has 4 seats with NPP having 42 and one independent candidate who aligns with NPP.

These seats are Asawase, New Ebusiase, Ejura Sekyeredumase and Sekyere Afram Plains (Drobonso).

Going into the 2024 election, Prophet Nigel Gaisie says the NDC will win extra 4 seats in the Ashanti Region which will send their numbers to an unprecedented 8 seats.

READ ALSO:  Former NDC executive drags Mahama to the gutters

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  1. Pingback: I pray against Kennedy Agyapong everyday – Nigel Gaisie - Dailynewsghana

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