
Ntoma kata ade3 so – Nana Ama McBrown’s no makeup video causes stir

A recent video featuring actress and media personality Nana Ama McBrown has sparked widespread attention and discussion across various online platforms.

In the video, Nana Ama McBrown was interviewed by Onua TV and was asked about her daughter, Baby Maxin. What caught many viewers by surprise was the fact that the actress appeared without wearing any makeup.

Despite the substantial content of her responses during the interview, fans seemed to be more captivated by her natural appearance, diverting attention from the conversation to her makeup-free look.

In the comments section, fans have expressed contrasting opinions regarding Nana Ama McBrown’s appearance in the video. Some viewers suggested that makeup and Photoshop have traditionally enhanced the actress’s beauty, and her natural look without these embellishments revealed a different aspect of her appearance, with some even remarking that it made her appear older.

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On the other hand, there were those who opined that even without makeup and digital alterations, McBrown’s natural beauty didn’t live up to the glamorous image often portrayed on social media. These diverse perspectives reflect the subjective nature of beauty standards and the impact of societal expectations on public figures.

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“The real age is showing.. sorry for those who believe she’s in her 40s. Her pics are just filter and photoshop”, a netizen said.

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“Unbraid ur hair na Wanim ay3 Hu dodo??. But I love you nso oo??”, another netizen wrote.

watch the video below

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