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Upper West Region: Owner of Royal Cosy Hills Hotel shot dead by unknown assailants

According to information that has reached us, Mr. Eric Johnson, the owner of the Jirapa Dubai, also known as the Royal Cosy Hills Hotel, in the Upper West Region’s Jirapa District, has been shot dead.

Our source claims that his lifeless body was discovered this morning and that it is thought that he was shot by unknown assailants.

The revelation was first revealed on Facebook by journalist Kennedy Mornah, who is connected to the business entrepreneur and originally from the Upper West Region.

“Owner of Jirapa Dubai allegedly murdered?” he wrote. How did we arrive at this location? A rather depressing way to start the year.

Our source believes his murder has some chieftaincy undertones.

Mr. Eric Johnson was said to be allegedly involved in a scheme to impose a chief on the people of the Jirapa traditional area.

This did not sit well with some members of the royal family, who petitioned him, other members of the royal family and the Tendaaba, who were scheming to appoint a chief for the traditional area.

Parts of the petition said, “Mr Eric Johnson should be advised not to gamble with the peace of the Naa Angsoleh Aanaa/Naa Yelpoe Royal families.”

Adding that “They, therefore, call on all families to rise against the naked conduct by Eric Johnson which is likely to breach the stool and by extension the PARAMOUNTCY the peace that it is currently enjoying. We also wish to state that, the Jirapa Chieftaincy stool is not for sale and to be offered to the highest bidder”.

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Mr. Eric Johnson, to clear his name, sued the petitioners in October 2023 at the Wa High Court; a case that is still in the court of law.

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