
2024 Elections: Just give Bawumia one term and see something – Allotey Jacobs begs

Bernard Allotey Jacobs has pleaded with Ghanaians to offer Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia one term in office to see the major transformation his administration will cause in Ghana.

According to him, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia is the “matrix” of Ghana’s politics, explaining that he is the right person to take the nation to the next level.

“He is the matrix of Ghana politics. This is the first time we have a real technocrat coming to contest election to be President and that is what we need in our system. Our system, which we always say is corrupt, something should change that system, and it will take  Bawumia,” he said on Peace FM’s “Kokrokoo” morning programme.

He noted that the Vice President has proven himself worthy of leading Ghana and prays the nation votes him into power.

“This is his time. Just give him one term and let’s see how Ghana will  be,” he shared strong faith in Dr. Bawumia’s leadership.

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