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Interior Minister forced to publish names of NDC MPs who submitted names for secret recruitment

Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, the leader of the minority in parliament, has boldly challenged Interior Minister Henry Quartey to provide the identities of the individuals he asserts the NDC MPs sent for covert recruitment. Dr. Ato Forson called the minister’s comments “empty, hollow, and laughable threats” in response to the Minority’s concerns.

During a news conference on May 22, 2024, Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson stated that the challenge is a result of the Minority’s concerns about the governing New Patriotic Party’s (NPP) covert recruiting of foot soldiers into the security forces in advance of the general elections in 2024.

He drew attention to how unfair and opaque the hiring process was. The public is blindsided by these covert hiring practices, which are typified by blatant nepotism and procedural violations. The Minister of the Interior chose to promote blatant lies rather than respond to the NDC Minority Caucus’ concerns over the grave consequences of unlawful recruitment for our nation’s peace and security, particularly in light of the approaching pivotal 2024 elections.

“Henry Quartey’s insinuation that members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) have benefited from the questionable recruitment practices without providing any shred of evidence is a clear attempt to confuse the issues and divert attention. The Minister’s remarks, made during interviews with FM stations on 21st May 2024, was an empty, hollow and laughable threat intended to silence legitimate criticism from the NDC Minority. “The Minority Caucus remains steadfast and cannot be silenced, not even by the Interior Minister’s veiled threats and cheap blackmail.” He said.

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Without offering any proof, he accused the minister of spreading lies when he implied that members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) had profited from dubious recruiting techniques. “This is a serious issue that requires a thoughtful response rather than a diversion. We hereby issue a challenge to the Minister of the Interior: please release the identities of the individuals he claims the NDC MPs passed along for the covert hiring. The Minister’s remarks must be viewed for what they are—baseless, absurd, frivolous, inflammatory, and false—if he is unable to produce these names.

“The Minority Caucus remains steadfast and cannot be silenced, not even by the Interior Minister’s veiled threats and cheap blackmail,” said Dr. Ato Forson.

One Comment

  1. Anytime you see NDC lamenting on issues, it means that was their tactics when they were in power. I could count 100s of youth from NDC individual house who have been recruited into the various services since NPP came to power. How could you respond to these younster as footsoldiers of a certain political party.

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