
Lip-Smacking Friday With Delicious And Easy To Make Tomato Soup In Just 15 Minutes

Homemade tomato soup has several health advantages, apart from its delicious taste. Tomato soup promotes general health and well-being since it is full of vital nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, and antioxidants like lycopene. Specifically, lycopene has been associated with heart health promotion and a lower risk of chronic illnesses. Also, homemade tomato soup gives you complete control over the ingredients, allowing you to utilize premium, fresh tomatoes instead of store-bought versions that frequently have extra sugars and preservatives.

This delicious soup is a smart choice for anyone trying to maintain a healthy weight because it is low in fat and calories. In addition, homemade tomato soup is simple to make and can be modified to suit each person’s tastes by adding more veggies, herbs, and spices.

A tasty and nutritious way to promote general health and savour the delights of home cooking is to include homemade tomato soup in your diet. Thus, we’ve put together detailed instructions for making the delicious and mouthwatering tomato soup at home.

Ingredients To Make Tomato Soup At Home

  1. Butter
  2. Bay Leaves
  3. Chopped Garlic
  4. Chopped Onion
  5. Chopped Tomatoes
  6. Salt
  7. Sugar

Steps To Make Tomato Soup At Home

1. Take a pan and heat it for like 5 minutes, then add 4-5 spoons of butter to it, and then add 2-3 bay leaves and stir them. Then add the chopped onion and chopped garlic to it and saute it properly until the colour of the onion turns golden brown, and then add some freshly chopped tomatoes to it with a 2-3 pinch of salt and mix them for 10 minutes.

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2. Now take out the puree and let it cool down for 20 minutes, then put it in a blender and mix it properly until it looks like a thick and smooth puree.

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3. Now take a pan and pour the tomato puree into it. Add like 1-2 cups of water to it, mix them both, and cook it for like 20 minutes. On top of it, put 2-3 spoons of sugar, 2-3 pinches of black pepper powder, and one table spoon of heavy cream on it.

4. Mix all of it and cook it for 5 minutes. Then serve it in a bowl and enjoy the perfect Friday eveningwith your close friends.

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