
Is oral sex’ a risk factor for throat cancer? Expert weighs in

People who have had several sexual partners or have been exposed to the human papillomavirus (HPV) are more likely to acquire throat cancer as a result of sexual activity. Due to its ability to infect throat cells and cause aberrant alterations that may eventually lead to cancer, HPV, a common sexually transmitted infection, is a substantial risk factor for throat cancer.

Oral sexual activity participants can also be at heightened risk for developing throat cancer due to additional factors, including smoking and strong alcohol consumption. People must engage in safe sexual behavior, which includes using condoms and being tested for STDs on a regular basis, in order to lower their risk of throat cancer and other health issues related to sexual activity.

Not only that, but routine dental examinations and cancer screenings linked to HPV can also help in the early detection of any anomalies and enhance results through prompt intervention and treatment.

In an exclusive conversation with Jagran English, Dr. Deepak Khanna, who is a senior consultant head and neck surgeon at Medicover Hospitals in Navi Mumbai, discussed how oral sexual acts can put one at risk of suffering from throat cancer.

According to Dr. Deepak, “Throat cancer, also known as laryngeal or pharyngeal cancer, is a type of malignancy that develops in the throat’s tissues. While smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are common risk factors for this disease, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection increases the likelihood of developing throat cancer. There has been a significant surge in throat cancer cases. This increase is primarily attributed to a sharp rise in oropharyngeal cancer, affecting the tonsils and back of the throat. The primary culprit behind this type of cancer is the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is also responsible for cervical cancer.”

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HPV is transmitted through sexual contact, with a major risk factor for oropharyngeal cancer being the number of lifetime sexual partners, particularly those involving oral sexual activity. Individuals opting for oral sexual activity are more likely to develop oropharyngeal cancer compared to those who do not engage in oral sexual activities. This underscores the importance of HPV vaccination as a preventative measure against not only cervical cancer but also certain types of throat cancer.

In addition, he said, “The importance of the HPV vaccine in preventing oral cancer cannot be overstated. While most people associate HPV with cervical cancer, it’s crucial to understand that HPV also plays a significant role in the development of oral cancers. Oral cancers are linked to high-risk strains of HPV, particularly in younger individuals. This highlights the critical need for widespread vaccination against HPV to prevent not just cervical cancer but also oral and throat cancers. It’s essential to recognize that, unlike other forms of cancer prevention, the impact of the HPV vaccine extends beyond individual protection.”


By reducing the prevalence of HPV in the population through vaccination, we can create a herd immunity effect that benefits everyone. This means fewer cases of oral cancer overall and a reduced burden on healthcare systems. Furthermore, promoting awareness about the link between HPV and oral cancer can encourage more people to seek vaccination, ultimately working towards a future where these devastating diseases are significantly less common.

At last, Dr. Deepak said, “Individuals who engage in oral sexual activity with multiple partners may have a higher risk of developing oral cancer due to increased exposure to HPV. This highlights the importance of practicing safe sexual intercourse and considering the potential consequences of certain sexual behaviors. By promoting awareness and understanding, it is possible to reduce the prevalence of this disease and promote overall well-being. While the association between oral sexual activity and oral cancer may be unsettling for some, it’s crucial to approach this topic with an open mind. This includes encouraging regular screenings for early detection, promoting safe sexual practices, and advocating for comprehensive sexual education that addresses both physical and emotional aspects of intimacy.”

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