
Anti-LGBTQ Bill: Sign the bill to shame your enemies – Assemblies of God Church tells Nana Addo

The District Pastor for Bantama Assemblies of God Church in the Ashanti Region Rev Oppong Acheampong has urged President Nana Akufo-Addo to sign the anti-LGBTQ bill to prove his detractors wrong.

According to him, President Akuffo Addo’s assent to the bill will send a strong message to the entire world that he abhors the act as he’s been preaching over the years

Rev Oppong has observed that, the president has nothing to fear signing the bill saying that, the entire country particularly Christians and Muslims will support his decision

The renowned pastor said this during the climax of the church’s Easter convention at Kumasi Girls SHS on Sunday March 31, 2024

About the Bill

Parliamentary on February 28, 2024, approved a bill criminalizing LGBTQ activities and prohibiting their promotion, advocacy, and funding in Ghana.

Under the legislation, individuals convicted of such acts could be sentenced to 6 months to 3 years in prison, while those promoting or sponsoring such activities could face 3 to 5 years behind bars.

The bill’s passage has sparked criticism from various stakeholders, asking the president not to sign it into law

But Rev Oppong Acheampong says he disagrees with those calling on the President to halt signing the bill, adding Ghana as a Christian country should not entertain such acts

Source: Ghana/otecfmghana.com

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