
Apologize for disrespecting Bawumia – Fiifi Kwetey ordered

A group calling itself “Young Northerners Forum” has impressed upon the General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress, Fiifi Kwetey, to render an apology to the Vice President and presidential candidate of the New Patriotic Party, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia.

The group is asking Fiifi Kwetey to retract some words they described as “disrespectful and derogatory” made by the latter against the character of Dr. Bawumia.

“We, the Young Northerners Forum, strongly condemn the disrespectful and derogatory comments made by Fiifi Kwetey towards Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, referring to him as a disgrace to the Northern Region. We find such remarks highly offensive, inappropriate, and completely uncalled for to be brazenly uttered to northerners against a northerners on a northern soil”, a statement by the group copied to Peacefmonline read.

The statement further said; “As members of the Young Northerner Forum, we believe in the values of unity, respect, and coexistence in the political ecosystem. We firmly stand against any form of tribalism, discrimination, or belittlement towards individuals based on their regional background. It is disappointing to witness such divisive language coming from someone in a position of influence and authority.”

“We, therefore, call upon His Excellency President John Mahama to impress upon Hon. Fiifi Kwetey to yield to our demand of rendering unconditional apology for his derogatory comments. Otherwise, it will be a tacit endorsement of the unguarded statement of Mr Fiifi Kwetey. In an election year, it is even more important for us to emphasize the principles of unity and collaboration, and a clean campaign devoid of character assassination”, they established.

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Read full statement below:


We, the Young Northerners Forum, strongly condemn the disrespectful and derogatory comments made by Fiifi Kwetey towards Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, referring to him as a disgrace to the Northern Region. We find such remarks highly offensive, inappropriate, and completely uncalled for to be brazenly uttered to northerners against a northerners on a northern soil.

As members of the Young Northerner Forum, we believe in the values of unity, respect, and coexistence in the political ecosystem. We firmly stand against any form of tribalism, discrimination, or belittlement towards individuals based on their regional background. It is disappointing to witness such divisive language coming from someone in a position of influence and authority.

At the seat of Dagbon Namship, Gbewa Palace in Yendi, Ndan Ya-Na Abukari Mahama II in the presence of Mr Fiifi Kwetey and NDC politburo described Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia as a brother of H.E John Mahama and called on them to avoid the exchange of ascerbic comments but focus on issues. Seemingly, no sooner did Mr Kwetey leave the Palace than the piece of advice fell off his brain. We resist any unguarded attempt by Mr Fiifi Kwetey to pitch the two candidates at each other.

Dr Mahamudu Bawumia, as Vice President of Ghana and his elder brother, Former President John Mahama – both representatives of the Northern Region have shown great dedication and commitment to public service. Their efforts in the areas of economic development, financial stability, and social empowerment have significantly contributed to the progress of our nation over the years. They are our heroes of millennial politics and it will therefore be a dereliction of duty if we turn a blind eye while any of them is being unfortunately described as a disgrace. Our heroes remain our heroes NOT a disgrace.

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We, therefore, call upon His Excellency President John Mahama to impress upon Hon. Fiifi Kwetey to yield to our demand of rendering unconditional apology for his derogatory comments. Otherwise, it will be a tacit endorsement of the unguarded statement of Mr Fiifi Kwetey. In an election year, it is even more important for us to emphasize the principles of unity and collaboration, and a clean campaign devoid of character assassination.

As political leaders, they have a duty to rise above partisan differences and work towards the betterment of our beloved Ghana. Our diversity is our strength, and it is through embracing our differences that we can build a brighter future for all.

Let us commit ourselves to promoting peaceful and inclusive dialogue during this crucial year. Let us refrain from hate speech and violence, and instead engage in constructive discussions that foster understanding and unity. They must remember that their words and actions have the power to make or unmake the future of our nation.


John Nasara
President, Young Northerners Forum

Ibrahim Mahama
Secretary, Young Northerners Forum.

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