General News

Awutu Senya East MUSEC denied reports of individuals losing their manh00d under strange circumstances

The Municipal Security Council (MUSEC) of the Awutu Senya East Municipal Assembly, has denied reports of individuals losing their penises under mysterious circumstances in Kasoa and its environs.

According to a statement signed by the Municipal Chief Executive, Anita Love Obo Amissah who doubles as the Head of the Municipal Security Council, there was no medical proof of such occurrence in the area.

“It has come to the attention of the Municipal Security Council that some residents are peddling rumours that some ritualists are in the Municipality and that anytime they touch the genitalia area of a male, the penis of the victim disappears.

“Investigations have revealed that no such rumours have been corroborated by any medical team so far. The issue has generated a lot of fear. panic, and chaos amongst the residents of the Awutu Senya East Municipality,” the statement said.

While urging members of the public to ignore the false rumours in going about their duties, the Council said it has taken serious exception to the rumours and would ensure that anyone found culpable of peddling such falsehood is severely punished.

“The Security Council has taken a very serious exception of the matter and as such wishes to inform the general public to go about their normal duties without fear, and that the Security Council are on top of their jobs to ensure a happy Easter Celebration.

“The Security Council also wishes to caution the general public that whoever is apprehended. and proven to peddle false rumours about the missing Male Genitals would be severely sanctioned,” the statement concluded.

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