
Can Heart Attacks Occur While Walking Or Jogging? Doctor Explains

A heart attack is brought on by a constriction of the coronary artery, which supplies blood to the heart. This occurs when the heart’s muscles don’t get enough bloodto sustain themselves, therefore the heart may suffer grave consequences if therapy is skipped. Sweating, nausea, vomiting, and chest pain are a few heart attack warning signs and symptoms. But heart attacks may also occur due to strenuous physical activity. So can a heart attack occur while walking or jogging also?

Shedding light on this, Dr. Nishith Chandra, Principal Director, Interventional Cardiology, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, Okhla Road, New Delhi said that absolutely, heart attacks can happen while walking or jogging. While physical activity is generally beneficial for heart health, certain factors like underlying coronary artery disease or plaque buildup can trigger heart attacks, even during seemingly moderate activities.

Dr Chandra also said that individuals must listen to their bodies, recognize warning signs like chest discomfort, shortness of breath, or fatigue, and seek immediate medical attention if they suspect a heart attack. Regular exercise remains pivotal for cardiovascular health, but it’s equally important to understand one’s risk factors and maintain open communication with healthcare providers for preventive care and early intervention.”

According to Dr Chandra, if you are 40 years of age and have any risk factors like High BP, High Cholesterol, Diabetes, Family history of heartdisease, then before starting an exercise program consult your cardiologist. Who would do certain simple tests like echocardiogram, treadmill, test, and ECG, to assess the safe levels of exercise you can perform?

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Treatment Of Heart Attacks

Restoring blood flow with medication, angioplasty, or cardiac catheterization is part of the treatment for a heart attack. Regular medical checkups are essential to preventing heart attacks, particularly for individuals who are at a higher risk owing to pre-existing cardiac disease, stress, or family history. In a similar vein, treating underlying causes like untreated heart attacks is essential for preventing cardiac arrest. Two essential elements of prevention are alterations to one’s lifestyle and routine medical evaluations.

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