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Election 2024: Consider people who can offer real solutions

The Advocacy and Policy Engagement Director at the Ghana Center for Democratic Development (CDD-Ghana), Dr. Kojo Pumpuni Asante, has called on Ghanaians to move beyond the country’s typical two-party rhetoric and make informed voting decisions.

He has encouraged Ghanaians to bravely support candidates who offer real solutions to the nation’s current challenges.

In a Point of View interview on Citi TV with Bernard Avle, Dr Asante said the nation is currently facing an economic crisis unseen since the 1980s, and no one is explaining to Ghanaians how they plan to address these issues.

He observed that some are making vague promises that do not align with the nation’s challenges.

He thus urged Ghanaians to bravely make the right decisions to avoid future hardships.

“I really hope that Ghanaians tackle this business as usual two-party kind of sloganeering. We are in an election year. Already you will hear people putting out very empty promises that have nothing to do with the problems that we are facing.

“We have an economic crisis that we haven’t seen since the 80s and nobody is coming to tell us how are they going to fix that problem.”

“So I am hoping that in this election we would have lot more courage because if people will go and throw these things about and then they get into government, we are the ones that are going to pick up the pieces because then they cannot offer any solutions,” he stated.


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