General News

Five drivers arrested at Bonsu junction for licence violations

The National Road Safety Authority (NRSA) in collaboration with the Motor Traffic and Transport Department MTTD of the Ghana Police Service has arrested five drivers at Bunso junction on the Accra Kumasi Highway for driving without a license.

According to the NRSA, about 60 per cent of road crashes recorded in the country are as a result of excessive speed hence Thursday’s Road Safety Enforcement is to help reduce the speed of drivers while ensuring an incident-free Easter festival.

The Eastern Regional Director of the National Road Safety Authority, Nana Akua Ansaah, who spoke to Citi News, called on drivers to stop speeding and stay alive.

She further provided specific speed guidelines for different vehicle types and encouraged drivers to comply with these limits to prevent accidents.

“Today’s exercise is a speed campaign. Our theme for this Easter is ‘Stop speeding, stay alive’ It has been the campaign since last week and it will continue till the end of the year. Research has proven that 60% of road crashes are about excessive speeding.

Therefore we are advising the public, and drivers to stop speeding and stay alive. If you are a salon car or a 4×4 vehicle, please on the highway where there are no buildings, you are supposed to go 90km/h. If you are a commercial vehicle you are supposed to go 80km/h.

“If you are a heavy-duty vehicle, if there are goods inside you are supposed to go 75km/h and if there are no goods, you are supposed to go 80km/h. So please let’s obey these speed limits and help ourselves. If you are in built-up areas, you are supposed to go at 50km/h for all vehicles. If you are at places where hospitals, mosques and churches are you are supposed to go at 30km/h. Let’s obey all these rules and always prioritise our safety,” she said.

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Nana Akua Ansaah also highlighted the importance of having valid insurance and urged passengers to advocate for their safety by speaking up against reckless driving.

She, therefore, advised passengers to prioritise their safety and also speak out when drivers drive recklessly.

“We also advise the public to prioritise their safety. Plan your journey and always be safe,” she stated.

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