
From Receptionist To A Health Economist PhD, The Inspirational Story Of Abena Antwi

Abena Asomaning Antwi, a Health Economist and Human Rights Advocate has revealed how she once begged to be offered the job of a receptionist with very little remuneration. She shared her story on her LinkedIn account of the lady who now holds a PhD in Health Economics from the University of Lille 1, France.

“I started my career as a receptionist. At the time I begged to be employed without remuneration, my employer at the time had no need for my services. She already had a warm, capable and beautiful receptionist. I persisted. I wouldn’t take no for an answer” she recalls.

With her persistence, Abena was accepted and put on an insignificant stipend which interestinmade her happy because she had a plan to rise to the top.

In no time, Abena became a newscaster and then got herself two radio shows while studying for a degree before bagging her doctor of philosophy. Drawing reference from her personal experiences, the young and beautiful doctor advised and inspired the general public with these words:

The changing scenes of life should tell you that nothing in this life is permanent but the word of God. Stupid, therefore, is the man who has power today or one who is a boss and mistreats/disrespects people, not in the same rank.

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