
You have big belly; Here food guide to losing belly fat in days

Most of us look for a weight loss diet and recipes to lose those extra kilos. We cut back on our favourite foods just to lose some extra weight and look slim. However, there are instances when working out or performing any other task when hungry makes us uncomfortable.

However, most of us would even find it challenging to finish a bowl of wholesome breakfast food first thing in the morning. Eating certain meals high in fibre, protein, and other vital nutrients is one of the greatest ways to feel fuller and more satisfied for extended periods. Here are some foods that can help you lose belly fat by keeping you fuller for longer hours and preventing hunger.


Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the heart and brain, are remarkably abundant in this lean protein. Fish’s high protein and omega-3 content helps you feel filled for extended periods and ward off hunger.


Nutrients including vitamins, minerals, protein, fibre, potassium, and many others are rich in them and aid in improved digestion, constipation prevention, and metabolic enhancement. Bananas’ high fibre content helps you feel satisfied for extended periods, which reduces appetite and encourages weight reduction.


Citric acid, often known as vitamin C, is found in abundance in lemons and is a powerful component that can help with weight loss and immune enhancement. Additionally, it has a lot of flavonoids and antioxidants, which combat free radicals and prevent harm to the body.


They are an excellent source of folate, niacin, riboflavin, magnesium, potassium, pantothenic acid, and vitamins C, E, K, and B6. Avocados’ high concentration of good fats, also known as healthy fats, contribute to a person feeling satisfied between meals for extended periods.

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It has a high soluble fibre content, which stops the body from absorbing cholesterol. Oats take longer to digest, which contributes to their low glycemic index. Low-glycemic foods are less likely to cause spikes in blood sugar.


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