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Health workers urged to intensify efforts in addressing tuberculosis

Health workers urged to intensify efforts in addressing tuberculosis in Ahafo

Management of the Ahafo Regional Health Directorate has called on health workers to put in more efforts to address Tuberculosis (TB) cases in the region.

The call was made at a press engagement in Goaso in the Ahafo Region.

The Ahafo Regional Health Director, Atsu Dodor explained that despite, recording more TB cases in recent times, there are more hidden cases that need to be unearthed for treatment to avoid spreading.

According to him, the Municipal and District Health Directorates need to intensify sensitization and other measures on the disease, which when not identified at the early stages could be dangerous.

Regarding the adequacy of facilities to handle TB cases in the region, Mr. Dodor said there are ample resources, including testing equipment, available.

Thus, residents experiencing symptoms of TB are encouraged to promptly seek testing and treatment at nearby health facilities if they suspect they may have the disease.


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