
“He’s right up there with the best” – Noni Madueke hails “elite coach”, but he’s not talking about Pochettino

Noni Madueke has had a great run with the England U21 team – he’s got an impressive 18 caps for them.

He’s loved working with coach Lee Carsley at that level, and after another win for the group over the weekend (With Noni bagging a goal), Madueke hailed the former Everton player’s coaching ability in quotes picked up by Football.London:

“[Carsley]’s an elite coach, a top human being. He’s a winner. There is nobody better suited to the job. I’ve had some coaches and he’s right up there with the best in terms of player development and human qualities, which are so important. Boys come over here and feel like they have that support. Even when I’m not here he supports me.”

It’s always interesting to hear players praise a manager like that. We’ve all heard countless stars speak at length about how working with Jose Mourinho changed their career, but it’s almost more interesting to hear a less heralded coach get their flowers.

Carsley has already been linked with a few club jobs – we wonder how long it will be before he’s being spoken about in connection with a future vacancy at Chelsea? His experience working with young England players is likely to put him right in the mix for us long as our current strategy of signing young players continues.

READ ALSO:  Pochettino delighted to have "important player" back in his squad

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