
I Want a Divorce Because I’m Too Handsome For My Wife

About some ladies feeling insecure because the guy is handsome, you know me so I won’t worry about being kept anonymous

Before we got married, Adwoa kept complaining about the number of women in my inbox and under my comments. Some ladies could go as far as sending n.des without any explanation. I gave her access to all my socials so that she could monitor all my chats because I didn’t want to hide anything from her.

This has rather made her more insecure and I feel so frustrated. She keeps comparing herself to some of the ladies and Abena, the calibre of women in my inbox! I had to delete all pictures of my cars and trips but it didn’t work so I had to deactivate and go off Facebook for sometime because Adwoa started DMing any lady who commented under my post and warning them off me.

Some were even my colleagues or relatives she hadn’t met before or who were using other pictures as their profile so she didn’t know. She sent a strong warning to my own big sister’s daughter one day (that’s a story for another day)

One day, I asked what at all I should do to make her trust me because I’ve never dreamt of cheating on her and just wanted her to feel secure. She told me she doesn’t know what I should do because it’s not only online that ladies crush on me.

Anytime we go out, ladies look at me. I mean they watch me and make sure I know they are watching me. There have been occasions when I’ve taken my wife to a pub and a lady will walk up to me, ignore my wife and try to give me her number. I’ll just tell her I’m with my wife and not interested. Adwoa will see this but still her mood will change instantly and I’ll have to leave with her to calm her down. This has made going out with her nowadays very difficult for me because I’m not the indoors type

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It’s been almost 2 years and she’s not given birth. If only, then she could concentrate on the baby like my parents are saying because she needs something to calm her down. She always thinks women are after me and is jealous all the time about my movements

Sometimes she shows up unannounced at the office just to see if there’s someone in my office. I can’t travel without her even if it’s for business otherwise she’ll call me 24/7 and I have to answer all her calls. I feel stifled. I feel like I’m being punished for a face and body I didn’t ask for. I tried getting a beard and that made things worse so I took it off. I remember asking her before we got married if she was going to be self-conscious of herself and not be confident and she said she won’t be, but it’s a different thing altogether now.

I can’t hang out with my guys because she thinks they’ll introduce me to other girls. One day, I joined a year group to watch football and she stormed the place angrily because a lady in our mutuals shared a group photo of us. Her behavior that day really made me regret marrying her because she was like another person

I’m at a point where I’m just tired of everything. I don’t want to think of a divorce but maybe a separation just to clear my head. An advice will go a long way to help me.

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