
If his mother and clan head are alive, they should advise him – Opare Addo dirties Bryan Acheampong

George Opare Addo, the National Youth Organizer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), has cautioned the Member of Parliament for Abetifi, Bryan Acheampong, regarding a controversial comment he made concerning the forthcoming elections.

Opare Addo expressed concern over Acheampong’s remarks suggesting that the ruling government is not going to hand over power to the opposition after the 2024 elections.

Speaking at a ‘Walk with JM’ event organized by the NDC, Addo urged those close to Acheampong to advise him, emphasizing the NDC’s readiness to compete for power in the upcoming elections.

“He claims he will not hand over [power] even if we win [the elections]. If his mother and clan head are alive, they should advise him.

“He should show his power when the day comes,” onuaonline.com quoted him to have said.

The NDC’s response came in reaction to Acheampong’s assertion during a unity walk organized by the ruling NPP as part of the Kwahu Easter celebrations.

Acheampong expressed confidence in the NPP’s ability to retain power, despite acknowledging economic challenges faced by the populace.

He reiterated his party’s commitment to addressing these challenges before the elections to gain the trust of the electorate.

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