
Koku Anyidoho ‘attacks’ NDC’s Deputy National Organizer

Elikem Kotoko, a Deputy National Organizer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has attracted the ire of dismissed Deputy General Secretary of the party, Koku Anyidoho.

Anyidoho’s anger stems from a statement signed by Kotoko responding to the Ghana Armed Forces’ (GAF) recent statement on the dire consequences that could result from attacking military personnel.

The thrust of Kotoko’s letter was to critique the tone and content of the army’s letter especially as it failed to mention in explicit terms the politically related incident that warranted the said statement.

A New Patriotic Party (NPP) Parliamentary Candidate in the Western Region, one Ernest Frimpong, at a meeting with small scale-miners suggested that the miners should challenge any unauthorized security personnel who tries to obstruct their activities.

He has since been arrested for the comments.

The NDC official’s statement lamented how the GAF’s statement failed to mention the NPP PC’s name and charged the army to do better than issue a general caution to a specific incident.

But the content of the letter has irked Anyidoho who described it as a case of total disrespect by the NDC towards the revered military institution.

In a series of posts on X (June 12), Anyidoho flashed his past of having grown in Burma Camp to emphasize that the army was way bigger for a junior officer of the main opposition to censure them.

Four of Anyidoho’s post on the matter are below:

Having been born and bred in Burma-Camp, I shall not sit idly by and allow some political urchins to insult our revered Ghana Armed Forces in the name of extremely nauseating partisan politics. No way !!!!!

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As Deputy GS, this nonsense wld not happen. We can have issues with GAF but this kind of gross disrespect from a junior officer of the NDC is highly reprehensible. Total lack of discipline just to please 1 man who is destroying the soul of the NDC.

I know it for a fact that the Secretariat is manned by the GS & Deputies. Did any of them sanction this extremely abusive Statement by a very junior officer? I wld not be shocked to learn that the junior officer did it on his own accord- that’s the sorry state of NDC today. Sad!

Is this how abusive NDC intends to be vis its discourse with the GAF? I find the language very offensive. Besides, who sanctioned this letter? Where are the GS & Deputies such that it is a very junior officer signing such a letter? Why antagonize every State Institution? Ayooo!

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