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NDC is 1000 times better than NPP – Abass Nurudeen

Abass Nurudeen, the Ashanti Regional Communications Officer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has stated that his party is far better than the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Speaking on a panel discussion on Oyerepa TV, Abass Nurudeen said the government’s much-touted promise of providing one million cedis per constituency has seemingly vanished into the personal coffers of certain ministers.

He accused the NPP of denying financial support to struggling businesses, citing the inability of individuals to access their own money from banks.

“A lot of businesses are collapsing. The businesses that have not collapsed yet are also struggling. When we said it, the government said there is no money to the extent that you cannot even access your own money from the bank. But now we know that the one million per constituency are under the beds of some ministers,” quoted him to have said,

He added “I am not saying we [NDC] are saints, I am not implying that during our time bad things didn’t happen. But when you look at the NPP and what they are doing, we can attest that the NDC is 1000 times better than the NPP. With all our weaknesses and our defects, we are 1000 times better than the NPP.”

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