In a recent interview, renowned Ghanaian lawyer, Sam Pee Yalley, expressed his concern over the ongoing power outage in the country and boldly stated that it reflects the lack of value the New Patriotic Party (NPP) holds for Ghana and its people.
Yalley, known for his outspokenness and deep commitment to justice, did not mince his words as he criticized the party for its apparent disregard for the well-being and dignity of Ghanaians.
During the interview, Yalley stressed that the persistent power cuts demonstrate a blatant lack of respect towards the citizens of Ghana. He argued that reliable access to electricity is a fundamental necessity for any nation’s development and functioning.
The NPP’s failure to ensure a stable power supply, according to Yalley, not only hampers economic growth but also compromises the daily lives of Ghanaians, from students studying to patients in hospitals.
Yalley further emphasized that the power outage sends a distressing message about the government’s priorities.