
Reactions as Funny Face set to conduct DNA on his children with Vanessa

The actor Funny Face has made it known that he plans to test each of his children’ DNA through his ex-wife Vanessa.

The comedic actor reached this decision after reading a comment from a netizen who suggested that he move on from Vannessa and forget about her.

The netizen suggested that Funny Face consider why his baby mama is keeping him from seeing his girls and how long it took her to establish a new connection.

He posted: “……Sit down and ask yourself why she’s preventing you from seeing the kids … women are captor doing anything oo.. as she dawg you nu … how long did she take to start seeing a different man?”

Funny Face retorted to the netizen’s comment by saying that DNA will verify everything.

He shared the post and issued a warning, saying that if the results were revealed and he is not the father of his girls, the entire nation would dance for him.

See the post below:

Funny Face post
Funny Face post
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