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You cannot Miss Any of These in a Ghanaian School

Ghana has different types of schools from the junior level to the universities we have government-owned and ones privately owned by citizens. Despite all these types, there are some things you will find in all classrooms in Ghana. You may wonder what these things are but they are always in plain sight and easy to spot.

First of all, let’s discuss the essential components that make up a classroom. We have the tables and chairs for the students, as well as a board, which can be either a chalkboard or a whiteboard (also known as a markerboard). Typically, you’ll find both students and a teacher in a classroom, unless there happens to be no ongoing class. The presence of students and a teacher is what truly defines a room as a classroom.

Let’s now examine some other items that you will probably find in virtually any classroom. The lads in the backseat are the first and most dramatic. You are either one of them or you have seen them, unless you have never in your life set foot in a classroom. The majority of this group consists of bold hecklers who sit in the back rows and consistently create exaggerated drama during class by posing foolish questions and saying absurd things. Fearless enough to cause a disturbance at any moment and skillful enough to get away with it too. I regret to inform you that, if they were never in your class, you were not truly in school.

The second group to examine is the extremely serious pupils. This group of students ensures that they spend every penny of their school money wisely. They will ask mind-boggling questions and yet remain dissatisfied with the answers. You can always tell who they are by their raised hands, and you can always tell how much the backseat lads despise them since they are constantly out there doing too much, such as reminding instructors of examinations, assignments, and so on.

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The sleeping beauties are up next. You’ll assume these pupils don’t have any mattresses at home or something. Even during the first lesson of the day, you will almost certainly find them sleeping or falling asleep. These are the ones that have anything shoved into their mouths and chalk thrown at them. You will wake them up, and they will either be very perplexed or will warn you. It is none of your concern, so leave them alone.

Every class is made complete by bullies. Bullies, indeed, are the ones no one wants to deal with. They not only have sharp fists, but they also have sharp lips and can easily make you weep without even trying. They are troll and taunting experts, and no one wants to be on their wrong side. The irony is that they always find something amusing in everything and ensure they crush their victims before moving on. That’s how it works: you’re either one or a victim of one.

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