
2024 Elections: Don’t let any political party use you – Muslim youth advised

The Muslim youth leader for Muslim communities in the Volta Region, Suhailu Mohammed Kidza, has admonished the youth not to allow themselves to be used as conduits for electoral violence in the upcoming elections in December.

Over the years, Ghana’s general elections have been marred by violent clashes between opposing factions, usually perpetrated by its younger generation, resulting in deaths, destruction of properties, and affecting the country’s political stability.

Speaking at Thursday’s Eid prayers in the Volta Region, the youth leader stressed the need to embrace an election free of violence and pledged that no Muslim youth in the region will be allowed to be used for violence in the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections

He also pledged to expose any politician who attempts to influence Muslim youth to engage in violence during the upcoming elections.

On his part, Sheik Alfa Anas Amidu, Volta Regional Chief Imam, also said, “As we enter the campaign season for the elections in December, let’s all be guided by acts that will preserve and uphold the diversity of our country and its unity.

Meanwhile, some of the Muslim youth in the Volta Region also pledged not to allow themselves to be used by any politician for violence in the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections on December 7.

“We need development in our communities, and some of us are educated, so we will not put our certificates in the room and allow politicians to use us for violence anymore,” some of the Muslim youth in Ho said in an interview with Adom News.

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