
Chelsea Supporters’ Trust tell ownership they risk club becoming a “laughing stock” as they demand engagement

The Chelsea Supporters’ Trust has written an open letter to Behdad Eghbali and Todd Boehly addressing the “current mood and anxiety due to lack of clear direction off the pitch,”

It claims that the “supporter mood” is at its lowest in the 1980s because of the failure of the new ownership to engage with the fanbase.

They warn that a “continued lack” of some sort of engagement could lead to “irreversible toxicity.”

The fear that the club is becoming a “laughing stock” is used to explain the dark mood around the club in the letter, which was sent after the 2-2 draw with Brentford earlier this month.

You can see the letter in full in the Tweet here:

It’s nice to have it all summed up like this, and they put it very neatly. The mood at Stamford Bridge on Sunday, where fans were booing their own player, was the latest in a very clear series of demonstrations of unhappiness recently. Negative songs are sung about the ownership on an almost weekly basis.

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