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Dafeamekpor’s lawyer ‘exposes’ bailiff

Dafeamekpor’s lawyer

Nii Kpakpo Samoa Addo, the lawyer for South Dayi Member of Parliament for South Dayi, has accused a bailiff of the Supreme Court of lying under oath.

The MP, Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor, had filed a challenge at the Supreme Court against the approval of new ministerial and deputy ministerial nominees.

But when the case was called on Wednesday, both Mr Dafeamekpor and his lawyer were not present, a situation Nii Kpakpo explained was because they were not served any notice.

However, the bailiff, Joshua Benning told the Supreme Court that a hearing notice and affidavit in opposition documents which were sent to the law firm were rejected.

This, he explained was because “an order had been made by the lawyer Nii Kpakpo Samoa Addo not to receive any service.”

But in an interview, Nii Kpakpo fought off the claims, stating the bailiff was in his office but did not meet him.

“This bailiff called in the morning at exactly 10:50 am on Tuesday [March 26]. At that time, I was not in the office so I sent him the number of Mr Rockson and told him to call and serve whatever process you have. He responded to the message at 10:57 am, acknowledged and said received with thanks.

“That was the last I heard from the said bailiff,” he said in an interview on Accra-based 3FM.

To vindicate himself and his client, Mr Addo says he decided to release CCTV footage from the bailiff’s visit, adding Mr Benning wasn’t aware he was captured.

“My front desk people told him that they have seen my name on it but he should wait for me to come because I was not in the office at that particular time.

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“Then he told them he was making a phone call and return nobody had signed the process. He left the process there and never came back. I have released the CCTV recording of his entire period within our office, including the voice audio for you to listen to exactly the interaction between himself and my front desk staff,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Apex court dismissed the application, stating it lacked direct relevance to the current nominees in Parliament, as it mainly concerned reassigned ministers.


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