
Kpenis: She Loves Me Because of My Size

Aunty Abena this is the only topic so far from my 3 years of following you that I’ve wanted to comment on. Me too I get topic😂

Aunty Abena, I’m “small” and I used to be the brunt of jokes in boarding schools. The taunting and bullying became so bad that I forced my parents to transfer me to another school and make me a day student.

My first girlfriend joked that she needs a magnifying glass before she can find my kpenis. I was so hurt that I sacked her from my place. She apologized and I forgave her. Although I ended things with her, we’ve been good friends since then. For my second girlfriend, she didn’t say it to me but shared it in a WhatsApp group where the members laughed at me. A chance reading of the chats made me shed tears that day.

It was very hard for me to trust anyone and I started chasing after medicine. I wasted money.going from doctor to doctor, taking herbal medicine and anything people said. It would look like it’s getting bigger but it was always the same.

One day, I shared my story anonymously in a group and a nurse told me to contact her. I did and she told me that all her life, every man she meets hurts her during intimacy because she’s too small. She’s always felt shy about it but didn’t know how to go about it so we can give it a try.

We met and that very day we tried and oh my 😋Abena we’re getting married soon because she’s perfect for me.

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