
Mukarama Abdulai proved how tough she is after the booing – Yussif Basigi

Black Princesses head coach Yussif Basigi has praised Mukarama Abdulai for her brilliant comeback from her booing at the African Games.

The 2018 U17 Women’s World Cup top scorer was booed for squandering chances in their second group game but she rebounded brilliantly and scored in that game against Tanzania, including three others, one being the winning goal in the final.

Basigi persisted with his decision to play Mukarama despite the booing and it paid off in the end.

“I sat with her and told her to turn the table around. I want to see if she’s really tough. She should prove to me that she is tough,” Basigi told Asempa FM.

“She told me she’s receiving plenty calls. I told her the calls will not do anything they are only showing concern. Go out there and prove to them that that wasn’t your good day.

“Now she agreed with me that that is how she’s going to do it. If not because she’s gone professional for some time, she would have packed her luggage and gone.”

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