
My Brother-In-Law Has Been Making Advances Towards Me

For a little over three years now, my brother-in-law has been making advances towards me, and despite not encouraging his gestures, I desperately want it to stop.

Telling my husband about this has become a pressing need, but I find myself struggling with how to approach the situation and handle it delicately.

About a month ago, while I was doing laundry, he came up from behind and inappropriately touched my buttocks, to which I responded with a slap in retaliation.

Later that day, when my husband returned from work, he started praising his brother, emphasizing how trustworthy and good he has been. This situation has me questioning if my brother-in-law is intentionally trying to gain favour with my husband to distract him from his inappropriate behaviour towards me. I feel lost and unsure about what’s going on.

I desperately need advice on how to handle this delicate situation. What steps should I take to address this issue and protect myself and my relationship with my husband?

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