General News

Pressure mounts on ECG to provide timetable

The interruption of the power supply of electricity in Ghana, termed ‘Dumsor‘, has become a serious canker for the citizens across the length and breadth of the country. Netizens bemoan the fact that the power outage has become unpredictable and persistent.

In the past months, there has been unreliable electricity, and many Ghanaians have demanded that the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) and the Energy Minister, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, release a timetable so they can plan their lives in the midst of it.

On the Max Morning show, listeners were called to lay out their grievances and explain how the ‘Dumsor’ has impacted their livelihoods.

The callers complained about how the power outage had damaged electrical appliances, which meant they would need to be repaired or replaced, created fire outbreaks in some areas, endangering people’s lives and property, made it difficult for them to sleep, and, most significantly, had an impact on businesses like hair salons and cold stores, among others.

Another complaint from a caller was that she had been restless because her light had gone out six times before morning.

We want the timetable to plan our lives smoothly, they asserted, chastising the recent comment made by the Energy Minister.

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