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How To Prevent Shocks From Your Computer

Computer shocks are very bad. It sometimes feels painful and disgusting. But why not read to know how to prevent this kind of shock? This article is here to guide you on how to protect yourself from computer shocks and take you through various computer safety etiquettes.

1. Use Surge Protectors 

Surge protectors are computer devices that are used to protect a computer’s electrical installation. This device will protect your computer whenever the power rises above normal. It is good to have some for your computer and can also prevent you from shocks.

2. Grounding for Peace of Mind:

One of the ways to prevent shocks is to make sure the electricity power you are connected to is well grounded. This means that the power source where you have connected your computer and its peripherals should have a proper earth wire or a zero voltage point. This can prevent shocks.

3. Do Regular Inspections 

Sometimes the mistakes we make are to not check for faults. To prevent frequent shock from your devices, try to always check on your plugs, wires, and power cords to see if there is a tear. When you detect any fault, kindly try to replace it quickly to avoid future shock.

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4. The UPS Advantage:

Consider investing in an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) to provide temporary power during outages. This not only safeguards your data but also protects your computer equipment from unexpected power disruptions.

5. Mind Your Wiring:

Ensure that the electrical wiring in your home or office adheres to safety standards. Faulty wiring can pose a risk to your computer, so a periodic check is a smart move.

6. Liquid-Free Zone:

Keep liquids at a safe distance from your computer and peripherals. Accidental spills can lead to short circuits and internal damage, so adopting a liquid-free policy is a good preventative measure.

7. Dust Busting for Better Performance:

Regularly clean the internal components of your computer to eliminate dust and debris. This not only reduces the risk of electrical issues but also helps maintain optimal performance.

8. ESD Protection During Upgrades:

When tinkering with internal components, such as upgrading hardware, use an anti-static wrist strap. This simple accessory prevents electrostatic discharge (ESD) that could potentially harm sensitive electronic parts.

9. Shutdown Rituals:

Before moving or unplugging your computer, ensure a proper shutdown. This not only prevents data corruption but also minimizes the risk of damage to your hard drive.

10. Cable Organization for Safety:

Keep your cables organized and secured to prevent tripping hazards and accidental disconnections. A tidy workspace not only looks good but also contributes to a safer computing environment.

11. Routine Maintenance Matters:

Stay on top of routine maintenance tasks, including software updates and driver/firmware checks. This ensures your computer operates optimally and stays secure.

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12. User Education for Responsible Computing:

If you share your computer with others, educate them on responsible computer usage and safety precautions. Awareness goes a long way in preventing accidents and ensuring a collaborative and safe computing environment.

13. Emergency Preparedness Plan:

Have a plan in place for power outages or emergencies. Consider strategies for data backup, emergency power options, and a step-by-step guide for safely shutting down your computer.

By incorporating these practical tips into your computer care routine, you’re not just preventing shocks and accidents – you’re actively fostering a safer and more reliable computing experience.

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