
Set up male club in schools to deal with teenage pregnancy

A girl child education advocate, Esther Addo, has called on educational institutions to set up a club for male students in order to educate them on the dangers associated with early intercourse.

According to her, the lack of requisite knowledge on the aforementioned topic has led many boys to impregnate their peers.

Speaking on the topic “The Need for Girl Child Education” through a phone interview on Max Morning Dew in Accra on Thursday, Esther said teenage pregnancy would be minimized when boys were educated on abstinence.

She noted that since abstinence education was always centered on girls, they failed to adhere to it, stressing that “when both genders receive massive education, both will guard themselves without the other falling prey to the other’s advances.”

“Just like we have Sarah clubs set up in some schools to educate the girls on abstinence, we can also create Benjamin boys so that as the girls are receiving education on the subject matter, the boys are also receiving the same education,” Esther said.

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She also expressed the need for teachers to act like parents to the students during school hours to identify their problems and needs and help them solve them.

Esther charged parents to also provide for the needs of their children to shield them from early romantic relationships.

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Source: Ghana/MaxTV/MaxFM/ Natally Cudjoe

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