
Try These Homemade Masks To Get Rid Of Wrinkles

Wrinkles are a part of ageing and the most common skincare problem faced by most of us. They are creases or folds on the skin that naturally appear when the skin becomes less elastic. While cosmetic procedures such as Botox can help reduce wrinkles, lifestyle changes can also help in preventing wrinkles.

According to the Mayo Clinic, These lines and creases in the skin are most likely to form on skin that’s often exposed to the sun, such as the face, neck, hands and forearms. Pollutants and smokingalso speed up the ageing process. Adopting certain home remedies can also be effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Here are some homemade remedies that can help you get rid of wrinkles.

Homemade Masks For Wrinkles

Yoghurt And Turmeric Face Mask

To prepare this mask, you need to take a tablespoon of yoghurt and mix it with turmeric. Apply the mixture to your face evenly and let it dry for about 10-15 minutes. After that, wash your face with cold water.

Lentil Face Mask

Take lentils and make a paste of them. Once the paste is ready, apply it all over your face and neck evenly. Let it dry for about 15-20 minutes and wash off with cold water.

Olive Oil And Lemon Juice

This is another effective and great homemade mask for getting rid of stubborn wrinkles. Take some olive oil in a bowl and add lemon juice to it. Mix both ingredients together and massage it gently over your face and neck. Leave it for 10-15 minutes and wash with regular water.

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Apple Face Mask

To prepare an apple face mask, take an apple and boil it in water. Once it boils, keep it aside and let it cool down. Now, remove the seeds and mash the apple. Post that, add one tablespoon of milk powder and honey into it. Apply the mixture on your face, leave for about 15 minutes and washwith regular water.

Lime Juice And Milk Cream Mask

Take some lemon juice and mix it well with milk cream. When mixed thoroughly, apply the mixture on your face evenly. Leave it on your face for about 10-15 minutes and then wash it with water.

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