
You’re Definitely Getting Catfished. Here’s The Proof

Imagine catching feelings for an online troll because you think that they’re an extremely attractive person who’s into you. First of all, finding out that you’re being catfished after you’ve caught feelings is a level of emotional distress that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy let alone yourself. Here are 5 things that you can do to avoid a catfish before it’s too late.

1. Google Them!

A quick google search will usually bring up a person’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or even their LinkedIn page. If you meet someone on one of these platforms you can google them to see if they check out on the others. If you don’t find a person you’re talking to online, it’s a pretty good sign that you should be suspicious.

2. Don’t Give Out Information To Strangers

Whenever you’re talking to somebody new online, you should try as much as possible to withhold personal information from that person. Telling someone too much too soon can just put you in a compromising position if that person has bad intentions. No matter how genuine the connection seems, you should definitely watch what you’re saying to people that you only know online.

3. Call Them

We are in a time where video calls are really booming. Everyone is video calling these days. You should too when you’re thinking about trusting people that you’ve met online. There is no reason why someone should avoid a five-minute video call, unless of course they are a catfish.

4. Meet As Soon As Possible

In a similar vein to the point above, you should meet your social media friends in real life if you can. Obviously, the first time that you meet someone off social media, you have to be careful. There might be real-life dangers for you or the things that you own. Make sure that you meet in a public place and that you are not completely alone with them.

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5. Be Direct And Ask Questions

If you’re talking to someone online and you feel uncomfortable, ask questions. Be direct and ask the things that are on your mind. If the other person gets defensive, then there is probably something wrong with that situation. Anyone with a genuine interest in you won’t overplay how offended they are that you want to verify their identity.

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