
We won’t allow you to deceive Ghanaians again – EPA boss attacks Mahama

Henry Kokofu, the Chief Executive Officer of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has sent a strong message to the opposition National Democratic Congress and their leader, John Dramani Mahama, ahead of the December 7 general elections.

The EPA boss, speaking on Peace FM’s “Kokrokoo” morning show, monitored by DailyNewsGhana, he took account of some comments by the former President, John Mahama, particularly regarding teachers in the country.

It could be recalled that Mr. Mahama criticized the performance of the students who wrote last year’s WASSCE, crediting their exceptional passes to undue help from their teachers.

The former president accused the teachers of aiding the students to cheat in the exam hall, hence contributing to their amazing results.

Mr. Mahama is quoted as saying, “in many places, they let the children cheat. You go to places, and the teachers are conniving with the students to cheat. The effect will be seen later.”

Mr. Henry Kokofu rebuked the NDC flagbearer for trying to take the shine off the students’ performances.

“Teachers will do everything to ensure their students pass, and you come and discredit all their efforts. What he (Mahama) said is an affront to the teachers and parents who toil so hard to see the students excel,” he slammed Mahama while defending the teachers over their patience and hard work in ensuring their students come out with flying colors.

Mr. Kokofu pledged that the ruling New Patriotic Party will not allow the NDC or any person to deceive Ghanaians again.

“As we have entered the election year, we won’t allow any person to throw dust into the eyes of anyone,” replied Mahama.

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